Calm restful mealtimes at Our Lady's Hospital.

Mealtimes at Our Lady's Hospital, Navan will have a calm atmosphere where the main focus is on serving appetising food along with providing patients with un-interrupted time to eat and enjoy their meals  from now on - that the message from the hospital, which has recently introduced 'protected mealtimes.'

Protected mealtimes has been introduced because of the vital importance of nutrition as part of patient treatment.

A spokesperson said that staff value the importance of the quality and nutritional content of food, and the patients experience of eating.

"Meal times with a calm atmosphere and where the main focus is on serving appetising food along with providing patients with un-interrupted time to eat and enjoy their meals is an essential part of care." 
Protected mealtimes are periods of time during which all non-essential activities on the wards and general visiting stops. Staff then have the time to assist patients who require extra help with eating and drinking. Protected Mealtimes also give patients the chance to relax and enjoy their meal, free from distractions. All essential and urgent care needs will still be met during these times.
"The ward will be quieter and more relaxed, giving patients time to digest and enjoy their food.  Nursing staff will be free to monitor and help patients with their meals.
"Good nutritional care has been shown to improve recovery from illness, reduce the risk of infection and promote patient wellbeing. It also increases wound healing and lowers the risk of pressure sores."
If you normally visit at mealtimes to help your relative or friend to eat, or to give encouragement, the hospital is happy for you to continue to do this once it has been arranged with the nurse-in-charge in advance.