Duleek Drama Players celebrate 30 years with new play Anna - The Girl Who Stood Out In the Cold, with cast James Williams, Guy Lynch, Con McGinley, Alex Hibbits and Paul Dunphy.

New play to mark 30 years of Duleek Players

Duleek Drama Players group celebrates its 30th anniversary this year with the staging of a new play ‘Anna - The Girl Who Stood Out in Cold’, by playwright and director Michael Ferguson. Founded in 1984, the drama group has thrived over the years winning recognition both locally and nationally, at the All Ireland Drama Festival, for the quality of its productions.

The latest, Anna, will hit the stage on March 5th for a four night run at the Drogheda’s Droichead Arts Centre. Based in the infamous Auzchwitz concentration camp the play tells the story of 12 year old Anna and her fellow inmates as they struggle to survive the brutality of their sadistic SS guards.

It was inspired by a visit to the notorious Nazi extermination camp.

'I came across a plaque in memory of a little girl who was sentenced to stand outside, in bare feet, on a Polish winter night when temperatures drop as low as minus 30 centigrade, for failing to meet her work quota,' Michael Ferguson said.

Duleek Players use innovative video techniques to recreate the atmosphere of terror and control instilled by the Nazi regime but despite this Anna manages to be a positive and uplifting experience.

'The play is based on hope, courage and all that is best in the human spirit. It is hope that eventually triumphs,' said Michael.

He and fellow cast member Betty Clinton joined the group when it was founded by local schoolteacher Josephine Byrne back in 1984.

When Duleek Players reached their 10th anniversary Michael and his fellow thespians decided the time was right to enter national competitions.

That year 1994 the group won two awards at the All Ireland Drama finals (confined) with Michael’s favourite play the hilarious Darling Mr London.

The Duleek Players have staged about 40 productions in their 30 year history, putting on at least one and sometimes two plays a year.

They have also succeeded in raising many thousands of pounds and latterly Euro for local and national charities.

'Over the years we have hosted charity nights for a whole range of organisations but unfortunately that is becoming increasing difficult as the cost of staging a production rises and sponsorship falls,' said Michael.

The group’s latest show stars Duleek stalwart Betty Clinton and Grainne Diskin as Anna, with Con McGinley playing the brutal camp commandant and Guy Lynch and Alex Hibbits as his SS guards.

The play, which is intended as a memorial to the six million people who perished in concentration camps, has already attracted national interest. Playwright Michael, his wife Kay and members of the Duleek group were invited to attend Holocaust Memorial Day in Dublin on 27th January.

'I know that when people see Anna they will be impressed and indeed moved,' said Michael.

Anna will be on stage at the Droichead Arts Centre from March 5th to 8th at 8pm, tickets €12, booking online or call (041) 987 5140/(041) 983 3946.