Boycott census as protest at government u-turns

Dear sir - The people of Ireland should consider a boycott in relation the upcoming census in April 2011. They can make it a vehicle of further protest against the past government's actions and the current governments U-turn on pre-election promises made by Enda Kenny and Eamon Gilmore, and the fact that they seem to want to continue down the same path of harsh measures as their predecessors. The completing of this census could be used as a measure of how blindfully compliant the people of Ireland still are, and that no matter what injustice is heaped upon them, such as cuts, tax increases, job losses, bail outs, that the ordinary people of Ireland are still afraid of standing their ground, and is more frightening, the government knowing this is probably the case. For anyone, let alone the CSO, to threaten a person with a €25,000 fine is nothing more than financial terrorism. If an ordinary citizen of Ireland did this they could be charged with extortion and jailed, but when its an organisation that has the Irish government's blessing its absolutely fine. This parallel universe way of thinking and operating in Ireland has got to stop. People can be fined and jailed for not paying for a TV licence, not having a dog licence, leaving a box at a recycling centre, not paying a toll and a long list of other stupid nonsensical jailable so-called offences. God forbid you do any of these things because that means in the authorities eyes that you are a real danger and menace to society, and we can't have that in a civilised society now can we. But if you are banker, such as good old Seanie Fitzpatrick and David Drumm, and you contribute to the collapse of a countries economy, you get to flee that same country with no sanction, no penalty and no charges brought. Ordinary people have power, but they need to put aside their silly differences and concentrate on the real treat threat to their happiness and well - being, the people in power making the stupid rules and regulations. Yours, Declan Cullen, Tower View, Kells.