Snap chatter James Kavanagh, one of the early contributers to 'Who Am I?'

What are your thoughts on being young and Irish in 2016?

What does it mean to be young and Irish in 2016? RTÉ 2 & Midas Productions want you to tell them in a short video.
If you’re aged between 15 and 34 – they would love to hear your thoughts on the topic with a chance for your video to feature in a prime-time RTE 2 documentary.
Share with the country your thoughts on being Irish – what does your nationality mean to you?
They are not looking for professional productions, all you need to do is record yourself on your phone, digital camera or any other device.
Your video can be as short as 30 seconds or as long as 4 minutes – take as long as you need to get your message across.
And you can be as creative as you want in sharing your thoughts – perhaps you might pick a location that means something to you and your sense of your Irish identity, or you might do your entire video through the art of mime.
Just remember if you’re using your phone to hold it sideways (aka landscape).
To contribute, please send your video anyway you like. Don’t forget to include your contact details.
Some ways to submit your video: email or wetransfer it to Or if you upload it to YouTube, Vimeo or Facebook or any social media video sharing platform, just share the link to the same email address. The closing date is mid-February. Email if you want more information.