Tea Day will be held on Thursday 2nd May at the Alzheimer's Day Centre Whistlemount, Kells Road, Navan, from 4.30pm to 7pm

What would you say to a nice cup of tea ... on Thursday?!

This year marks the 25th Anniversary of Alzheimer’s Tea Day. This campaign provides vital funds for services, which include nationwide day care centres, respite, home care, social clubs, carer support groups, Alzheimer cafés and the busy National Helpline. It is estimated that there are 1,400 people living with dementia in Meath and for every one person with dementia three others are directly affected. The number of people with dementia is expected to more than double over the next 20 years to 2,800 in 2039.

Tea Day will be held on Thursday 2nd May at the Alzheimer's Day Centre Whistlemount, Kells Road, Navan, from 4.30pm to 7pm.  "This year we find ourselves with a serious shortfall in our fundraising and if we don't get support financially our services will have to be drastically cut," says Alice Furey of the Navan centre. "This would be a very serious setback for 35 families who use the service and are dependant on it.  We also have running costs of two buses to cover, from Kells/Ashbourne and Slane/Longwood, six days a week.  

 "Support for our Tea Day is of the upmost importance to us as it is our main fundraiser. There will be afternoon tea, cake sale, raffle with valuable prizes and plant sale and we encourage all who can to please support us."
Other local Tea Days being held by Patricia Conroy a week later, on Tuesday 9th May from 9.30am to 7pm in the GAA grounds, Skyrne and Maura Ryan on 4th May from 10 am to 2pm at Fox Lodge, Ratoath.

Nobber Friendship Club will host Alzheimer's Tea Day, In Nobber Community Hall, on Thursday 2nd May, while Tea Day in the Darnley Lodge Hotel on Thursday is from 9.30am to 2pm.