Our eight-legged friends will be a common sight now

Have the eight-legged beasties moved into your home yet?

The next few weeks won't do those with a fear of spiders any favours. Fear of our eight-legged friends is one of our most common phobias and made all the worse when the speddy beasts are seen scurrying across the living room floor.
'Giant' garden or house spiders are known to make their way into homes in bigger numbers in late summer and throughout autumn in search of breeding partners.

They can have a leg span of up to 3cm, but are of course totally harmless to humans.
There's not much arachnaphobes can do to prevent our cold-blooded creatures moving in for the winter with open windows and doors, holes in pipes and wall cavities all too inviting.
Is there anything lurking behind your couch? You can share your images or video with us on our facebook page.