Kells Local Heroes volunteers at the new ornamental clock at Fitzsimons's bakery, John Street, Kells.

Time stands still on Kells street

Kells Local Heroes have successfully completed their final major painting operation of 2012. Phase three of the strategy to enhance the streetscape of the heritage town saw several landmark buildings in the busy thoroughfare of Carrick Street transformed through innovative colour schemes and dedicated voluntary labour. Among the properties targeted were a currently vacant retail unit and the Community House, a prominent civic asset. This represents a co-ordinated Local Heroes policy of highlighting the potential of under-utilised sites. Kells Local Heroes also announced the addition of a new feature to local social heritage as an ornamental clock has been installed on the façade of the Fitzsimons's bakery complex at John Street. The clock is set a 4am, the hour at which production commenced at the now defunct industrial bakery. "This demonstrates the organisation's commitment to commemorating the intrinsic legacy of each property whilst adopting a renewed, visually resplendent structure," said a spokesperson. This summer's operations have enhanced a cumulative total of 25 buildings throughout Kells. Plans to continue this strategy next year have now reached an advanced stage. Fundraising operations will continue during the winter months through a quiz championship, commencing in mid-September. Meanwhile, the successful pop-up bookshop in Cross Street will continue until the end of August and donations of CDs and DVDs are welcome. Kells Local Heroes has thanked all volunteers, donors and supporters for their skill and effort in improving their town.