Turnout at march shows apathy

Dear sir - I attended the rally in support of Navan Hospital on Saturday and was appalled at the low turn out. Do the people of Meath and the north east care about this vital service and employer which stands on the threshold of being torn apart by this Fianna Fail /Green government and there lackeys in the HSE? On Saturday, the Government and the HSE got there answer, and the people of Meath should hold there heads in shame. Have we as a people become so apathetic and brainwashed by the lies and spin of a government which seems to have a thousand mouths, that we talk on street corners and in public houses about the state of the nation, but when called upon to fight to save a hospital that served the medical needs of this county we feign indifference? We make up excuses to be anywhere else but where we should be. Next on the cutbacks hit list is St Joseph's in Trim and the same template that the HSE uses to downgrade is now in play. First bring out a report to sully the facility, then roll out a few pet consultants to sow doubts in people's minds. St Joseph's and its staff has cared for the elderly of Meath diligently and with compassion for countless generations, not for them the tax breaks and section 25 tax reliefs enjoyed by the developer run homes whose primary motive is profit at any cost. Eamonn Gilmore accused this government of economic treason - I would go further and say treason pure and simple. The main opposition party is also to blame for this mess that we are in, they were asleep at the wheel as we hit the rocks. As it stands this country is now under attack by European bondholders and banks facilitated by a corrupt government that continues to pump our taxes into the failed Anglo debacle headed up by Alan Dukes, the former Fine Gael finance minister.Remember Nice 1 and 2 and Lisbon 1 and 2 and the way democracy was turned on its head by an inarticulate rabble whose catch cry was Europe For Jobs . Where now the jobs? Where now the republic? Where now the future? When an election is eventually called and the people are asked to cast there votes, let them not waste it by saying, "well who do you put in?", the favourite saying of the politically naive or lazy voter but make their vote count and vote for the good of the Republic and all that a Republic stands for, not for the cute hoor politics that have bedevilled this country for generations. Yours, Stephen McGowan, Newhaggard Lane, Trim.