Cllr Ray Butler (left) is presented with coins from author TJ Gillespie at the launch of "I want to really learn about horses" last week.

Local writer's Trim launch for horse book

There was a large turnout last week in Trim Castle Hotel for the launch of Trim writer TJ Gillespie's book 'I Want To Really Learn About Horses'. The book was launched by Trim Town Council cathaoirleach, Cllr Ray Butler, who told the gathering that a lifetime's experience of working with horses had gone into the book. Originally from Sligo, Mr Gillespie grew up on a farm surrounded by horses but has lived in Trim since the early 1980s. He is a member of the Meath Writers' Circle and this is his first book, which gives the reader all the information they need to know about looking after and training a horse, Cllr Butler said he made Mr Gillespie's acquintance through his involvement with the Royal Meath Show and said he hoped readers would get great enjoyment from the book. Mr Gillepsie thanked everyone for coming and spoke of his experiences on the Royal Meath Show committee and at Poolderry, Boardsmill and Rathmolyon. Mr Gillespie told how he found two coins, an 1822 halfpence and a 1692 William and Mary halfpence, at the Porchfields in Trim, and he presented these coins to Cllr Butler so that they can be put on display in the town. 'I Want To Really Learn About Horses' was retailing at the launch at €8 and Mr Gillespie was kept busy signing copies. For every book sold, €1 goes to a registered animal charity.