Students at Youthreach Centre in Trim which is the first school in Trim to be declared a "Quality School".

Irish first for Trim Youthreach

Trim Youthreach will become the first school in the country - and only the third in Europe - to be recognised as a 'quality centre' this coming Friday, 5th March. Youthreach is a training and education programme for young people aged between 15 and 20 years who have left mainstream education. Students are referred to the programme by local schools or other agencies and study subjects such as English, maths, woodwork, art, sport, ECDL, occupational first aid, cookery, SPHE, constructions studies and community projects. "Youthreach Centre of Education in Trim recognised that our students needed a different approach to education if they were to fully engage in learning. They needed an environment where they would be cared for, nurtured, educated, respected, encouraged and above all loved," said Nicola Galvin of Trim Youthreach. To this end, they opened a centre under the principals of 'Choice Theory/Reality Therapy/Quality School', as created by Dr William Glasser, MD, a psychiatrist from the USA. Under this model, students take a student-driven proactive role in their school. They study subjects they will enjoy, be part of all aspects of centre life, including staff recruitment, have choices on how they wish to live their lives, and learn to understand behaviour and how it affects others. The whole ethos is based on solid, equal relationships between all people entering the building, including staff, students and visitors and Trim Youthreach has been particularly successful in this. "We currently have 33 students enrolled in our service, 30 of whom are boys, all regular attendees. We have no code of behaviour or code of discipline and our centre runs like clockwork. As a result of rigorous evaluation, we are delighted to announce that Youthreach Trim will declare as the first 'quality school' in Ireland and only the third in Europe on Friday. A number of centres are very interested in our approach and our school is actively promoting this model across the country by speaking at seminars and conferences," said Ms Galvin. Meanwhile, the Youthreach building in Trim is currently undergoing a facelift. The interior of the building has been totally redesigned and will, when works are completed, provide a quality learning space for its students. New areas have been created inside the building including many self-directed learning spaces as well as an extended dining area. The outside of the building has also been given a fresh new look and incorporates an outdoor eating area for summertime. The work commenced just after Christmas and is due to finish this week.