Local talent to be commended

Dear Sir - I attended the recent comedy festival in Kells and I was delighted to see a full house in attendance. It was clear that people had travelled from all over for a good laugh and great entertainment. This of course is due in part to the line up of international acclaimed comedians that took to the stage. They included Ardal O"Hanlon, Des Bishop and Jason Byrne, who I had the pleasure of seeing on the night. However, the comedians are only part of the success story; credit has to go to the comedy festival co-ordinators who worked hard at organising and promoting the three-day event. Chief organiser Fred Cooke, a local comedian and his team put on a professional show. In this money-conscious climate, no one could complain that value for money was not received. Indeed, I predict that the Kells Comedy Festival will give the Kilkenny Cats Laughs a run for its money in years to come; with talented people like Fred Cooke at its helm, it"s bound to grow from strength to strength. Yours, Sarah Reilly, Fine Gael candidate, Bective Place, Kells.