Operation Transformation's Chris loses a staggering 10lb in Week 1

Operation Transformation's first ever amputee leader Chris McElligott has lost an amazing 10.5lbs in the first week of following the Operation Transformation plan. His target weight-loss for the week was 4lbs but he more than doubled his target with a great first week result. 

Chris McElligott
Starting weight: 17 st 11.5 lbs / 113.2 kg
Target for Week2 : 4 lbs / 1.8 kg
Loss for Week2: 10.5 lbs / 4.8 kg
Current weight: 17st 1lb/108.4kg
Target for next week: 3 lbs/ 1.4 kg

Chris McElligott said: 'When Kathryn told me my weight-loss at the weigh-in, I was shocked. I never dreamed I'd surpass my target by so much. I'm buzzing now and really excited for the second week. I've kept strictly to the food plan which hasn't been easy as I never used to eat vegetables but I've even had broccoli this week! I really didn't like it but I'm determined to lose the weight so I ate it anyway.'

Before joining Operation Transformation the only vegetables Chris ate were tinned peas so it's cooking the meals on the OT plan has been a real change for him. On Saturday he took part in a Nationwide Walk from Dunshaughlin Community Centre.