Club together - Ray D'Arcy launches open doors week

The Ray D’Arcy Show on RTÉ Radio 1 wants you to try something new this October. As the days get shorter and nights feel longer people around the country who are not already involved in clubs and their communities can find the evenings to be a drag, it can be hard to get out and meet people.
With the help of a listener, The Ray D’Arcy Show had an idea - what if for one week clubs all over the country throw open their doors for a week in October to try and welcome new people and encourage them to be more sociable and have some fun this Autumn and Winter!
It can be a bit intimidating to go to a club without knowing anyone but the aim of this ‘welcome week’ is to encourage people to try out something new, without the pressure to sign up or set up an initial meeting.
If you are involved in a dance club, supper club, book club, running club, slam poetry club, a choir, any kind of club at all get in touch with the team on All your club has to do is pick one day during the 'Join A Club Week' in October (Monday Oct 22nd – 26th) where anyone can come along and give your activity a try, (it doesn’t have to be a sporty venture, The Ray D'Arcy Show want all kinds of clubs for every age group in order to get as many people as possible involved.)
It’s Ray D’Arcy’s goal to get people meeting up and getting out there this October! For more information see for an interactive map showing all the clubs taking part so you can see what’s happening in your local area. You might find a new hobby or even a new friend group. It’s speed dating for clubs, try as many as you want during the week and hopefully one will stick with you.