Meath East Decides: Live coverage from the Meath East Count Centre


Elected in Meath East - 4 Seater
Fine GaelHelen McEntee
Sinn FeinDarren O'Rourke
Fianna FailThomas Byrne
Gillian TooleIndependent

MEATH EAST DECIDED: Thomas Byrne and Gillian Toole arew elected in Meath East. Thomas Byrne returned to the Dail for the 4th time while Gillian Toole becomes Meath first Independent TD.


Thomas Byrne 10,525 ELECTED

Helen McEntee 10,006 ELECTED

Darren O'Rourke 9,997 ELECTED

Gillian Toole 8,953 ELECTED.


No candidate elected on this count. *Result stands after Recheck

Byrne (FF) 7520 +2,145 9,665

Toole (Ind) 6717 +477 7194

Tolan (FG) 4389 +654 5043

Toibin (Aontu) 4785 +242 5027

A Limited Recheck to start with last two candidates, Tolan (5043) and Toibin (5027) separated by just a handful of votes (16). Observers including Thomas Byrne who needs just 332 votes to reach the quota and Cllr Gillian Toole who needs 2,803 to do the same note that the move won’t materially affect who enters 34th Dail!

Toibin, who had called for a recount (a call which was rejected by Returning Officer Kevin Martin) needs (4,970) and Tolan (4,954) to reach the Summit. No going to happen,

01/12/24 - 5.45pm


No candidate elected on this count. O'Reilly (FF) and her surplus (3996) to be distributed.

Byrne (FF) 7,437 + 83 7520

O'Reilly (FF) 3,918 + 78 3996

Toibin (Aontu) 4289 + 496 4785

Tolan (FG) 4,232 + 157 4389

Toole (Ind) 6,091 + 626 6717

O'Reilly (FF) eliminated

01/12/24 - 4.30pm


O'Rourke elected!


Byrne (FF) 7363 + 74 7,437

O'Reilly (FF) 3870 + 48 3,918

O'Rourke (SF) 9,821 + 2965 12,786

Toibin (Aontu) 4165 + 124 4289

Tolan (FG) 4135 + 97 4,232

Toole (Ind) 5952 + 139 6,091

O'Rourke's surplus to be distributed (2789)

01/12/24 - 4pm

Sinn Féin’s Maria White who has just been eliminated on the 9th count reflects on her campaign

01/12/24 - 2.40PM


No candidate met the quota but distribution of Bonner's 3,477 transfers of which Darren O ' Rourke received 726 is set to elect him on the next count. His running mate White (SF) has been eliminated which is also going to benefit O'Rourke in terms of transfers in count 10. Gillian Toole (IND) also received a boost with an additional 751 transfer votes allocated to her, giving her a distinct advantage to secure that 4th seat at present.


Byrne (FF) 6,855 + 508 7363

O'Reilly (FF) 3,601 + 269 3870

O'Rourke (SF) 9,095 + 726 9,821

Toibin (Aontu) 3,871 + 294 4165

Tolan (FG) 3,747 + 388 4135

Toole (Ind) 5,211 + 751 5952

White (SF) 3,568 + 89 3657

White (SF) Eliminated

01/12/24 - 12.50PM

EAST MEATH DECIDES... With the 4th seat up for grabs Aontu’s Emer Tobin shares her thoughts on how things are panning out

01/12/24 11am



Bonner (Ind) 3173 + 304 3477

Byrne (FF) 6546 + 309 6855

O'Reilly (FF) 3335 + 266 3601

O'Rourke (SF) 8666 + 429 9095

Toibin (Aontu) 3721 + 150 3871

Tolan (FG) 3330 + 417 3747

Toole (Ind) 4859 + 352 5211

White (SF) 3264 + 304 3568

Bonner (Ind) eliminated


Balfe (Lab) 2440 + 442 2882

Bonner (Ind) 6527 + 93 3173

Byrne (FF) 6527 + 19 6546

O'Reilly (FF) 3304 + 31 3335

O'Rourke (SF) 8325 + 341 8666

Toibin (Aontu) 3633 + 88 3721

Tolan (FG) 3309 + 21 3330

Toole (Ind) 4749 + 110 4859

White (SF) 2951 + 313 3264

Balfe (Lab) eliminated

01/12/24 10.00AM



Balfe (Lab) 2089 + 351 2440

Bonner (Ind) 3028 + 52 3080

Byrne (FF) 6432 + 95 6527

McCormack (PBP) 1458 + 78 1536

O'Reilly (FF) 3257 + 47 3304

O'Rourke (SF) 8272 + 53 8325

Toibin (Aontu) 3608 + 25 3633

Tolan (FG) 3210 + 99 3309

Toole (Ind) 4707 + 42 4749

White (SF) 2939 + 12 2951

McCormack (PBP) eliminated



Helen Mc Entee Elected

Balfe (Lab) 2075 + 13 2089

Bonham (Green) 874 + 1 875

Bonner (Ind) 2929 + 99 3028

Byrne (FF) 6425 + 7 6432

McCormack (PBP) 1434 + 24 1458

McEntee (FG) 9996 + 10 10006

O'Reilly (FF) 3248 + 9 3257

O'Rourke (SF) 8228 + 44 8272

Toibin (Aontu) 3341 + 267 3608

Tolan (FG) 3206 + 4 3210

Toole (Ind) 4549 + 158 4707

White (SF) 2917 + 22 2939

Bonham (Green) eliminated

30/11/24 10.07pm


distribution of Fahy, Bobbett and Murugadoss's transfers

Balfe (Lab) 2051 + 25 2075

Bonham (Green) 849 + 25 874

Bonner (Ind) 2787 + 142 2929

Byrne (FF) 6407 + 15 6425

McCormack (PBP) 1383 + 51 1434

McEntee (FG) 9959 + 37 9996

Murray (NP) 704 + 16 720

O'Reilly (FF) 3225 + 23 3248

O'Rourke (SF) 8184 + 44 8228

Toibin (Aontu) 3306 + 35 3341

Tolan (FG) 3184 + 22 3206

Toole (Ind) 4491 + 58 4549

White (SF) 2903 + 14 2917

Murray eliminated

30/11/24 9.45PM

Fianna Fáil Ratoath Cllr Caroline O’Reilly reflecting on her performance earlier after count 1. O Reilly received 3223 first preference votes.

30/11/24 9.15PM


Distribution of Reid's transfers

Balfe (Lab) 2050 + 1 2051

Bobbett (Ind) 189 + 1 190

Bonham (Green) 848 + 1 849

Bonner (Ind) 2781 + 6 2787

Byrne (FF) 6405 + 2 6407

Fahy (AWP) 209 + 2 210

McCormack (PBP) 1381 + 2 1383

McEntee (FG) 9959 + 0 9959

Murugadoss (IND) 140 + 1 141

Murray (NP) 653 + 51 704

O'Reilly (FF) 3223 + 2 3225

O'Rourke (SF) 8177 + 7 8184

Toibin (Aontu) 3285 + 21 3306

Tolan (FG) 3178 + 6 3184

Toole (Ind) 4483 + 8 4491

White (SF) 2894 2900 + 3 2903

Fahy, Bobbett and Murugadoss eliminated

30/11/24 9.00pm


Distribution of Westlake's transfers

Balfe (Lab) 2048 + 2 2050

Bobbett (Ind) - 186 + 3 189

Bonham (Green) 845 +3 848

Bonner (Ind) 2771 + 10 2781

Byrne (FF) 6403 + 2 6405

Fahy (AWP) 207 + 2 209

McCormack (PBP) 1380 + 1 1381

McEntee (FG) 9957 + 2 9959

Murray (NP) 652 + 1 653

Murugadoss (IND) 135 + 5 140

O'Reilly (FF) 3223 + 0 3223

O'Rourke (SF) 8175 + 2 8177

Reid (LP) 119 + 2 121

Toibin (Aontu) 3281 + 4 3285

Tolan (FG) 3176 + 2 3178

Toole (Ind) 4459 + 24 4483

White (SF) 2894 + 8 2900

Barbara Reid LR eliminated

30/11/24 - 8.20pm


Electorate 84,272

Total Poll 50,321

Spoiled votes 338

Total Valid Poll 49983

Quota 9997

Balfe (Lab) 2048

Bobbett (Ind) - 186

Bonham (Green) 845

Bonner (Ind) 2771

Byrne (FF) 6403

Fahy (AWP) 207

McCormack (PBP) 1380

McEntee (FG) 9957

Murray (NP) 652

O'Reilly (FF) 3223

O'Rourke (SF) 8175

Reid (LP) 119

Toibin (Aontu) 3281

Tolan (FG) 3176

Toole (Ind) 4459

Westlake (Ind) 72

White (SF) 2894

Westlake eliminated

30/11/24 - 6pm

Meath East poll topper, Justice Minister Helen McEntee has arrived at the Count Centre but her big day will be tomorrow as we're still waiting on 1st count here.

Meath Chronicle journalist - Sally Harding interviews Helen McEnteePhoto: David Mullen/ Photo by David Mullen
Helen McEntee pictured at the Meath East count centrePhoto: David Mullen/ Photo by David Mullen

30/11/24 - 5.00pm Green Party candidate Ruadháin Bonham shares his thoughts on his election bid.


30/11/24 - 4.45pm

30/11/24- 4.10pm

A snapshot of Meath West and Damien English reflects on the campaign and his name not on the ballot!

30/11/24 - 4pm

Meath East (takes its time to) Decide...

Word from inside the steel ropes is that it will be 7pm before a 1st Count result is announced.

30/11/24 - 3.30pm

How that final tally breaks down...

Balfe (Lab) 1638 - 4

Bobbett (Ind) - 152 - 0%

Bonham (Green) 682 - 2%

Bonner (Ind) 2278 - 6%

Byrne (FF) 5671 - 13%

Fahy (AWP) 173 - 0%

McCormack (PBP) 1131- 3%

McEntee (FG) 7706 - 19%

Murray (NP) 530 - 1%

O'Reilly (FF) 2212 - 5%

O'Rourke (SF) 6666 - 17%

Reid (LP) 107 - 0%

Toibin (Aontu) 2661 - 7%

Tolan (FG) 2815 - 7%

Toole (Ind) 3598 - 9%

Westlake (Ind) 64 - 0%

White (SF) 2455 - 6%

30/11/24 - 3.15pm

Gavan Reilly... FF push ahead of exit poll prediction

ABOVE in Dublin, our columnist Gavan Reilly has been keeping an eye on the tally nationwide - and calculates that Fianna Fáil will be the most popular party in first preference votes nationwide.

He believes Fianna Fail is set to take about 21.5% of the vote, a full 2 percentage points ahead of the national exit poll.

Fine Gael will take 20.3%, marginally ahead of the poll, while Sinn Féin will be on 18.4% - down by 2.6% on last night's projection.

30/11/24 - 3pm

Tallies Complete Klaxon!

With 116 boxes tallied, (10 not tallied) its becoming clear that Meath East will be returning three familiar faces to Dail Eireann in its 134th renewal. Less clear is who will join them but favourite must be Independent Gillian Toole.

The Ratoath Meath county councillor is sitting on 9 of the vote, ahead of council colleagues, Cllr Sharon Tolan (FG) 7%, Emer Toibin (Aontu) 7%, Caroline O'Reilly (FF) 5% and Maria White (SF) 6%.

Helen McEntee (FG) is topping the poll on 19% with Thomas Byrne (FF) on 13% and Darren O'Rourke (SF) on 17%, considerably down on his 2020 barnstorming performance.

Fine Gael 26% (10,521); Fianna Fail 19% (7,583); Sinn Fein 23% (9,121); Labour 4% (1,638); Aontu 7% (2,661); Green 2% (682); NP/Ind 20% (8,147)

An army marches on its stomach...

Meath Chronicle's Sally Harding has arrived in the count centre bearing gifts! Legend!

30/11/24 - 1.40pm

Latest tallies based on 63 boxes opened. And Helen McEntee lies on 19%, Darren O'Rourke on 16% and Thomas Byrne on 13%. Independent candidate Gillian Toole who has been in the Count Centre for the most of the morning (and distributed a surplus of sandwiches) has made a move to 10% as more boxes from her bailiwick of Ratoath/Dunshaughlin have been prized open.

So, where does that leave the parties...

Fine Gael 26% (6,390); Fianna Fail 19% (4,678); Sinn Fein 23% (5,562); Labour 4% (1,041); Aontu 6% (1,579; Green 2% (410); NP/Ind 20% (4,994)

We expect that the next result we get will be the Final Tally.

Count staff here now have moved fully into count mode now and arranged the furniture accordingly. Votes will be sorted and assigned and the next official procedure will that of assigning 'doubtful ballots'

After that it is believed we may have a Count 1 result at 5pm.

Returning Officer Kevin Martin has confirmed the final turnout for Meath East as 50,350, (59.6%). Its' not expected that any candidate will reach the quota (around 9,500.10,000) meaning the early counts will be to eliminate the lowest polling candiates and distribute their votes.

How that breaks down...

Balfe (Lab) 1041 - 4

Bobbett (Ind) - 90 - 0%

Bonham (Green) 410 - 2%

Bonner (Ind) 1,045 - 4%

Byrne (FF) 3,314 - 13%

Fahy (AWP) 129 - 1%

McCormack (PBP) 696 - 3%

McEntee (FG) 4,644 - 19%

Murray (NP) 344 - 1%

O'Reilly (FF) 1,364 - 6%

O'Rourke (SF) 3,946 - 16%

Reid (LP) 50 - 0%

Toibin (Aontu) 1,579 - 6%

Tolan (FG) 1,746 - 7%

Toole (Ind) 2,533 - 10%

Westlake (Ind) 35 - 0%

White (SF) 1,616 - 7%

With 63 boxes now open and over 50% of Total Boxes tallied....

Fine Gael 26% (6,390); Fianna Fail 19% (4,678); Sinn Fein 23% (5,562); Labour 4% (1,041); Aontu 6% (1,579; Green 2% (410); NP/Ind 20% (4,994)

30/11/24 - 1pm

Slight update on earlier figure, 35 boxes opened.

Returning Officer Kevin Martin has confirmed the final turnout for Meath East as 50,350, (59.6%).

Conor McMorrow of RTE preapring to update viewers from the Meath East Count Centre

30/11/24 - 11.50am

How that breaks down...

Balfe (Lab) 533 - 4

Bobbett (Ind) - 54 - 0%

Bonham (Green) 237 - 2%

Bonner (Ind) 655 - 5%

Byrne (FF) 1,508 - 13%

Fahy (AWP) 69 - 1%

McCormack (PBP) 380 - 3

McEntee (FG) 2,381 - 20

Murray (NP) 137 - 1

O'Reilly (FF) 762 - 6

O'Rourke (SF) 1552 - 13%

Reid (LP) 30 - 0%

Toibin (Aontu) 724 - 6%

Tolan (FG) 1,046 - 9%

Toole (Ind) 821 - 7%

Westlake (Ind) 25 - 0%

White (SF) 1,058 - 9%

30/11/24 - 11.45am

With 31 boxes now open and about 24% of Total Boxes

Fine Gael 29% (3,427); Fianna Fail 19% (2,270); Sinn Fein 22% (2,612); Labour 4% (533); Aontu 6% (724); Green 2% (237); NP/Ind 18% (2,199)

30/11/24 - 11.35am

Not election related but here's a lovely pic of the Christmas Lights being turned on in Navan last night. PHOTO: DAVY MULLEN.

29-11-24, Navan Christmas Lights at NavanThe Christmas lights are switched on at Kennedy Plaza, Navan Photo: David Mullen/ Photo by David Mullen

30/11/24 - 11.20am

Pace has picked up here with 21 boxes opened and that may be due in part to Divine Intervention as someone has a miraculous medal has been found in an Ashbourne box...

With 21 boxes now open, McEntee has 1,885, Tolan 573, O'Rourke 1,077, Byrne 1,028, O'Reilly, 484, Toibin 529, Toole 414.

Totals: Fine Gael 33% (2,428); Fianna Fail 19% (1,512); Sinn Fein 21% (1,644); Labour 4% (339); Aontu 7% (529); Green 2% (166); NP/Ind 17% (1,368)

30/11/24 - 11.05am

So there are 126 boxes to be opened here in Meath East with all boxes expected to be opened in the next hour, according to the Count team.

30/11/24 - 10.40am

Returning Officer, Kevin Martin expects all boxes to be opened here in Meath East by lunchtime.

30/11/24 - 10.35am

With nine boxes open, McEntee has 1,051, Tolan 132, O'Rourke 537, Byrne 446, O'Reilly, 221, Toibin 296, Toole 70.

Totals: FG 33% (1,183); FF 19% (667); SF 18% (18%); Lab 3%; (125) Aontu 8% (296); Green 2% (58); NP/Ind 17% (601)

30/11/24 - 10am

Early tallies with five boxes open has Fine Gael on 38% of the vote with FF on 20% and Sinn Fein on 18%. Tallying may be a little slower than expected as we understand there are simply not enough tally people in the count centre. We'll keep an eye on that.

FIRST TALLY: Fine Gael 45%; Fianna Fail 24%; Sinn Fein 10%; Labour 2%; Aontu 9%; Non Party 8%

Boxes opened include Rathkenny, Slane x 1, Dunboyne x 1, Gibbstown, Carlanstown, predominantly Helen McEntee and Thomas Byrne territory.

30/11/24 - 9.10am

Boxes opened here in Ashbourne with first early tallies expected at 10am.


Who are the Candidates?



'People are feeling disillusioned, they don't feel that any government has represented their interest'

While Aontú's Emer Tóibín was elected on the first count in the recent local elections in the Navan area, she will not have the benefit of the vast majority of these votes on 29th November as she eyes up a seat in Meath East.

She openly acknowledges the challenges of running in a constituency away from her municipal district base where she comfortably retained her Meath County Council seat for a second term in June. Tóibín does, however, live in Meath East between Walterstown and Kentstown and said she has done a lot of representations in that area and is "optimistic" on her chances in the now four-seat constituency, saying she would be "giving it her best shot". READ ON...



Ratoath physio who wants to be the face for change

Having run as an independent candidate in the Ashbourne electoral area in June's local elections, he has decided to throw his hat in the ring in the Meath east constituency. READ ON...


(Sinn Fein)

'For every TD in the Dail, I believe housing has to be the priority'

Education, transport, housing and community facilities are the top priority issues for Sinn Fein Cllr Maria White should she be elected as a TD for the Meath East area.

White who was elected to Meath County Council in Laytown/Bettystown area in the local elections is principal of Scoil Olibheir Naofa in Laytown. READ ON...



Poll topper Bonner keeps community ‘at the heart of every decision’

Independence in politics “isn’t a limitation but a strength” that's according to general election candidate and Ashbourne Cllr Joe Bonner who is vying for a seat in Meath East.

With over 20 years of experience in local government, Bonner says that being free from the constraints of party influence, allows him to focuses solely on "delivering tangible results for his community." READ ON ...


(Fianna Fail)

'Politics is fighting people's corners where they are not getting what they should'

What a difference a year can make. And what a hectic year that has been for Cllr Caroline O'Reilly who only entered politics this time last year following the sudden death of her cousin, Damien O'Reilly and now finds herself on the ballot paper in the Meath East constituency on 29th November. READ ON...


(Fine Gael)

'You can't just wait for somebody else to do it, you need people power to prove the need'

“I HAVE always believed in people power” says Fine Gael councillor for Laytown/Bettystown and Cathaoirleach of Meath Co Council Sharon Tolan makes when describing her tenure as a local representative for the last decade, a statement that carries weight considering her journey into politics started with the mother of three campaigning for a new primary school in Laytown. READ ON...



'If communities are well resourced, everything else falls into place.

"FrustRation rather than ambition" is what independent councillor Gillian Toole says prompted her to run for election in Meath East where she will be hoping to secure the county's first independent seat in Dáil Éireann.

A councillor for ten years, Toole says her decision to run was borne out of frustration at not being able to do more at council level, adding that a lot of the suggestions she put forward would require quite simple changes in legislation which they can't do. READ ON...


(People Before Profit)

Standing up for the ‘locked out’ generation

A YOUNG general election candidate says she is part of the "locked-out generation of people" who see "no future" for themselves in this country thanks to previous governments.

25-year-old People Before Profit candidate for Meath East Clara McCormack is a socialist campaigner and community worker who wants to be a part of change for the island of Ireland. READ ON...


(Green Party)

Supporting climate action during school days spurred young Green on to get into politics

A YOUNG General candidate for Meath East has told of how taking part in a climate movement during his time in school inspired him to become involved in politics.

23-year-old Ruadhain Bonham (Green Party) was one of the many students around the world that got involved in #FridaysForFuture a youth-led and -organised movement that began in 2018, after a then 15-year-old Greta Thunberg and other young activists sat in front of the Swedish parliament every schoolday for three weeks, to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis. READ ON...



‘Gender balance in the Dáil is essential’

Meath East general election candidate Eilish Balfe is calling for greater equality in politics.

The Labour candidate has run the local community early service in Ratoath for eight Years and is an activist for Siptu supporting 'A New Deal' for the early years sector.

Balfe is passionate about quality in politics saying that it is a "shocking" fact that only one of the six Meath TDs is a woman. READ ON...


(SInn Fein)

‘We are in the eye of the storm in the housing crisis in Meath East’

Improvements in Garda numbers, transport, housing and access to GPs are among some of the issues sitting Sinn Fein TD Darren O'Rourke is pledging to deliver if the gets re elected to the Dáil.

These problems are not unfamiliar to any other part of the county or the country for that matter, however some of these challenges have been at the forefront of Meath East communities in a very real way in recent months and years, something O'Rourke says he is keen to tackle. READ ON...


(Fianna Fail)

'Meath has made lots of progress but I think that we can do more’

"Delivering facilities for local communities" is what has driven Fianna Fail TD Thomas Byrne over his 17 year career in politics.

The Minister of State for at the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media served as a member of Dáil Éireann was first elected as a TD in 2007, but lost his seat in the 2011 election. READ ON...


(Fine Gael)

‘My greatest desire as a politician is to make the lives of my constituents better’

Eleven years on from her first election to Dáil Eireann in the 2013 by election, Helen McEntee is among the government's most senior members.

As Minister for Justice, she has a busy portfolio, and has taken a strong stance against violence against women and hate crime. READ ON...

GE2024... Who else is on the ballot paper in Meath East?