New lighting system to play part in reducing MDL's carbon footprint
SOCCER - Gerry Gorman thanks those who supported project
Lights, action, football. The MDL is moving into a new carbon-neutral future and on Thursday evening the new lighting system was officially switched on at the grounds outside Navan.
The official opening was conducted by the MDL's Site Manager Gerry Gorman who outlined how, a few years ago, moves were made to make the change-over to LED lighting on the six small astro pitches, the half sided astro, grass training area, car parking, building internal and external areas.
Since then further, more recent and extensive development work has been carried out in the lighting system at the MDL - and this was what was officially opened on Thursday.
"The recent completion of the much larger development and overall upgrading of the lighting system on the full-sized astro pitch, along with the installation of 36 roof solar panels along with 10kw battery storage represents the completion of this particular development phase of light installation at the MDL grounds," Gorman explained.
"In terms of efficiency, and reduced running costs, we will with then new light play our part in reducing the carbon footprint by vastly reduced emissions. The overall benefits will be accrued for many years.
"The Philips Lighting system on the full sized astro comprises 24 x 1,500w LED lamps capable of providing up to 500 lux level with no shadows anywhere within the pitch confines. Each lamp can be individually switched off if desired when all lights are not required for match schedule, etc,"he added.
"The successful overall development came about following major contributions on the part of a number of professional people and organisations including Wesco Electrical supplier especially manager Derek Meehan, Darren O’Connell electrical contractor, along with MDL electrician John Reilly, Philips Lighting especially David Murphy and David Mulqueen, Boles Hire, Solar specialist Alan Fitzsimons from AAS Electrical.
"This phase of development concluded the overall works grant aided by the Sports Capital unit in which Breda Lenihan from the Department was most helpful, along with the MDL Solicitor Pat O’Reilly, and Navan Branch manager of the AIB Conor Corry for insuring we achieved compliance with all the necessary legal requirements for the drawdown of funds.
"In the last round the MDL applied for further Sports Capital funding to assist with our on going development, and this week we were delighted with the news announced by Sports Minister Thomas Byrne to learn of a pledge of €214,000 to our organisation among the many successful applicants.
"We would like to thank the Minister for this display of confidence in our organisation, and also to local TDs Damien English, and Johnny Guirke for making representations on our behalf."