The former Doyle’s Garage site in Drumconrath has been derelict for many years.

Council intends to buy Drumconrath eyesore

Meath County Council has begun the process of acquiring the derelict Doyle's Garage site in Drumconrath under the Derelict Sites Act.

The former garage has been an eyesore in the north Meath village for many years and was added to the Derelict Sites Register in Meath in July 2022, along with an adjacant house which is a protected structure.

This week Meath County Council has published the notice of its intention to compulsorily acquire both derelict sites under the Derelict Sites Act. As part of the statutory process, the owner of the site has until 1st July to submit an objection.

Cllr Eugene Cassidy has been working with Meath County Council regarding the site and the possibility of acquiring it and developing it into a plaza and recreational area that would create a new focal point in the village.

A concept design has been drawn up for the lands by Hanley and Tate Architects to show some of the possiblities for the site and make the case for purchasing the property.

Cllr Cassidy said that the first step is to acquire the site and they will then have consultation with the local community to see what they would like to see in the final plan. The concept plans would see the garage demolished and the house, which is a protected structure, could be turned into a community or social centre with the lands developed as a recreational area with walkways connecting to other walkways in the village.

The concept plan includes a plaza area, playground, and an area for a farmers market.

If Meath County Council is successful in acquiring the properties, the intention is to make an application for funding under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme later this year.

"Ongoing discussions with the owners are at an advanced stage and I am confident that an agreement will be reached," said Cllr Cassidy.

"The funding to develop the site will be looked for under 'Town & Village Scheme ' which will open in the quarter four of this year. €500,000 can be acquired under this scheme to transform this area from what it is today.

"I am looking forward to working with residents in Drumconrath and Drumconrath Tidy Towns in making this a reality," he added.