Geraldine Wilson accepting the judges award for The Snapper.

GALLERY: Moynalty's movie royalty hits the red carpet for Oskars night

The Moynalty Oskars which took place last Saturday night in the Headfort Arms Hotel was the culmination of two months of fundraising and memorable events.

There was a capacity crowd, believed to be the largest ever to grace The Headfort Arms Hotel. The audience was presented with seven short films, Calendar Girls, Elvis, Father Ted, Misery, Sister Act, The Hangover and The Snapper.

The standard of the films, the acting and production quality was incredible, and all were fit for the large screen. The judges were Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, Tenor, Matthew Gilsenan and Laurence Óg O’Brien.

Among the 11 awards were Popular Choice: Calendar Girls; Judges Choice: The Snapper; Highest Grossing Film: Calendar Girls and Highest grossing per cast member: The Hangover.

The other awards were Best Male Actor: Terry Nevin, The Snapper; Best Female Actor: Edel Diviney, Misery; Best Supporting Actor: Domhnall Lennon, Father Ted; Best Supporting Female Actor: Imelda Donnellan, Sister Act; Best Location: The Hangover; Best Comic Scene: The Hangover; Best Dramatic Scene: Misery.

Floral presentations were given to the judges, to Laura the head of production from Kevin Rowe Productions and also to the Committee’s event Coordinator, Claire Allen, by the committee secretary, Joe McKenna. The event was sponsored by O'Brien's SuperValu Kells.

What had originally started out simply as a fundraiser for the renovation of the Church of the Assumption in Moynalty, took on a life of its own over the past two months, according to committee secretary, Joe McKenna,

“This has been an incredible journey for the community of Moynalty and the surrounding district, where people of all ages rowed in behind this and came up with a diverse range of individual fundraisers and social events.”

Concerts and music events were held. Neighbouring parishes rowed in, with a Table Quiz held in the Carnaross Inn and a breakfast morning fully sponsored by Brogan’s Centra, Carlanstown. There were Afternoon Teas, a wonderful Art & Prosecco event led by Moynalty’s own artist, Helen Farrell and also a series of formal dinners in Mullagh, with the Chef being none other than Moynalty PP Fr Joe McEvoy.

“Great thanks to The Moynalty Steam Threshing Committee and the Community Council, Ughtyneill Hall and local businesses, including McCormack’s Bar for the use of their facilities and financial support. We want to thank all the cast members, the sponsors and all who supported the event in any way. The night was rounded off by music in the foyer until the early hours,” Joe concluded.