Hostel plan for Laytown lodged with council

A PLANNING application seeking permisson to construct a single storey hostel at Alverno House, Laytown, has been submitted to Meath Co Council.

Hugh O'Donoghue is seeking permission for the construction of single storey hostel accommodation with seven dorm rooms to accommodate 28 people. The plans also include a manager's room that will accommodate two members of staff, a kitchen, reception area, common area, dining area, storage, laundry/utility room, DAC facility, male and female toilets.

The total gross floor area of the development is 351.3 sqm, including bicycle parking and bin storage. The development also includes rainwater harvesting tanks, a soakaway and all associated site works. It is proposed to remove the existing caravan/mobile home structures. No works are proposed to Alverno House, which is a protected structure.