RTE shambles widens as it emerges Marty Morrissey had use of Renault car for five years

Sports presenter Marty Morrissey has apologised for an "error of judgement" in relation to an "ad hoc" arrangement with Renault in which he had the use of a car for a number of years.

In a statement released today by the GAA Commentator and presenter, Morrissey said the use of the vehicle was an "ad hoc arrangement" with the car company in return for MCing corporate events for the firm.

"I saw it as GAA-related, interacting with former players who I knew well. Many of the GAA-related engagements I do, I do at no cost. As I hadn't sought a fee, Renault offered me the use of a car. I accepted this offer. The situation carried over informally for a number of years.I ended up MC-ing about 12 such events."

"I concluded that it had been an error of judgment on my part to accept the use of the car. I returned it voluntarily to Renault on Friday 23 June," he said.

"Like many RTÉ staff and contractors, I was this week asked to supply RTÉ with information about any commercial engagements, gifts and potential conflicts of interest. I did this and made full disclosure of this matter to RTÉ".

"There was no expectation or requirement that I publicly endorse or promote Renault on air, on social media or otherwise while I had the use of a car. As far as I was concerned, my use of the car was always a very ad hoc arrangement which did not affect my work with RTÉ," he said.

"I have apologised to RTÉ, my managers and colleagues for any embarrassment or difficulty I have caused them because of this matter. I also apologise to any of our viewers and listeners who may feel let down by my actions. It was never my intention to let anyone down, least of all myself."

It emerged at The Oireachtas Media Committee meeting yesterday afternoon that an RTÉ staff member had returned a vehicle "on Tuesday", after using it for the past five years in an arrangement that Interim Deputy Director General Adrian Lynch said had "not been approved".