Cllr David Gilroy, Róisín Ní Dhúshláine, Príomhoide, Coláiste Pobail Ráth Chairn and parent Theresa Leeson.

Demands for a bus route to service Gaeltacht areas

The need for a bus route to serve Meath's two Gaeltacht areas in Ráth Chairn and Baile Ghib was discussed at a well-attended meeting of parents and local respresentatives last Thursday night.

Meath Sinn Féin TD's Johnny Guirke and Darren O'Rourke and Cllr Michael Gallagher as well as local Athboy councillor David Gilroy attended the meeting and lent their support to an application for a school bus route to link Meath’s two Gaeltacht areas.

The parents of Baile Ghib along with the principals of Scoil Ultain Naofa, Baile Ghib and Coláiste Pobail Ráth Chairn are seeking to create more solid and continuous links between Meath’s two Gaeltacht areas.

On Thursday night, local representatives, parents of the two communities, members of the school communities and the government’s language planning officer for County Meath gathered to discuss this issue.

"The establishment of a bus route for students would ensure that students could continue their education through Irish and would help strengthen the language in the county," said Róisín Ní Dhúshláine, principal of Coláiste Pobail Ráth Chairn.