A view of the proposals for Academy Street and Circular Road.

Nine-storey tower plan for Navan

Plans for a major mixed-use development on two parcels of land on each side of Circular Road in Navan are set to dramatically transform the landscape of the town centre if approved.

With the proposal including buildings of up to nine-storeys in height, it would make it the tallest building in the town if the plans get the green light.

The Academy Street Partnership is seeking permission for a mixed use development on two separate land parcels at the junction of Circular Road with Academy Street and Bridge Street. The two sites are located each side of Circular Road with a total area of 0.47 hectares.

Site A is located to the east of the former St Finian's Seminary study hall/St Patrick's Classical School (a protected structure), to the north of 59 Academy Street, the north east of St Finian's Terrace at the corner of Academy Street and Circular Road. It also includes the rear gardens of 60 to 63 Academy Street.

Site B is located at the corner of Bridge Street and Circular Road, to the south of Rem Fac Motor Factors and the former County of Meath Infirmary.

Permission is sought for demolition of all structures on site and for the construction of a mixed use development to include retail, office/commericial and residential use.

Plans for site A are for residential and retail use including a ground floor unit of 574 square metre and 95 apartments in three blocks, ranging in height from three to nine storeys.

The apartments are made up of 32 one-bedroom units, 62 two-bedroom units and one three-bedroom unit. A communal amenity room of 57sqm is located on the second floor of block A. Car and bicycle parking is proposed in a three-level podium car park providing 138 car spaces, eight disabled spaces and 318 bicycle spaces.

Vehicle access will be from Academy Street, while pedestrian and cycle access is from Circular Road.

Site B is proposed to accommodate a four-six storey building with retail use (313sqm), and office use at ground floor. Office use is also proposed from first to fifth floor inclusive with a total of 2,334sqm of office space accommodated in the building. Three surface level car parking spaces at Bridge Street, and 34 bicycle spaces accommdated in a biycle store within the building at ground floor level are also proposed.

The site notice relating to the development was erected on Friday 21st October.