Sadhbh Emmett from Dunshaughlin Guides cutting the cake with some of the other Trailblazers

Irish Girl Guides award 41 local Trailblazers

41 girls, aged 14-16, from the North East Region were awarded their Trailblazer pins, the highest accolade for Guides, in the Solstice Arts Centre in Navan recently.

The girls were from Guide Units in Macalla Guides in Trim, Dunshaughlin, Millmount Drogheda, Boyne Valley Drogheda, Monasterboise, Kilkerley, Knockbridge, Glyde, Tullyallen and Ballybay.

They were supported through their Guiding Journey by their proud Parents and Leaders who joined them to watch as each girl received their Trailblazer National Guide Award certificate from Irish Girl Guide President Deirdre Henley.

The Award is made in recognition of the successful completion of a series of challenges, including teamwork activities, outdoor survival skills, community service, global awareness and working with younger IGG members to help them develop confidence, independence, and essential life-skills.

Presenting the awards, IGG President Deirdre Henley said: “Some days you might forget that you are awesome, today I am here to remind you how awesome you are!”

Chief Commissioner Amanda O’Sullivan who was also in attendance added “You have achieved your awards through challenging times, working remotely online, meetings outside and often working on your own initiatives. You have shown that Girl Guides can rise to the challenge Thank you to your Parents for believing in the benefits of being involved in Girl Guides and Leaders for taking the time to support you on your journey. Congratulations to you all.”

Annamarie Lawlor, the North East Region Commissioner added: “We are delighted to have 41 Guides receiving the National Guide Award today, and that we are able to celebrate this achievement is this lovely venue. Not every Guide goes on to achieve this honour and you should be proud of yourselves. I am delighted to hear that many of you are continuing to be involved in Irish Girl Guides as members of Senior Branch, where I am sure you will continue to develop confidence and self-reliance and become Leaders of the future.

Irish Girl Guides are currently recruiting adult volunteers to help with Leader teams working with all age groups; Ladybirds aged 5-7, Brownies aged 7-10, Guides aged 10-14 and Senior Branch aged 14-30. To find out more or to get involved check out