Participation of children and young people in development of local services and policies is welcomed

Trim Cllr Ronan Moore, has welcomed Meath County Council’s undertaking "to increase the participation of children and young people in the development of local services and policies in the county" in response to a motion he brought forward at April’s full county meeting.

"We often think of children and young people only in their capacity as future adults, with less thought for the contribution they can make to the world during childhood, their teenage years and in their transition to adulthood,” said Cllr Moore.

“As a result, even though they are arguably the cohort of society who will be most affected by the decisions we make today, they are often side-lined in the decision-making process."

"However, in recent years there have been significant strides to address this at government level. Just last year the National Framework for Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-making was released, which stated that children and young people should be included "in decision-making in all settings where decisions made by adults will impact their lives".

"It is the phrase ‘all settings’ that is crucial. While we already have opportunities to hear from young people at county level such as the annual address to chamber by the local youth council – Comhairle na nÓg – I believe there are few other real opportunities for young people to input into council policy.

"My motion specifically called for youth participation in special policy committees believing they represent an excellent opportunity for young people to contribute structurally towards policy development in their county affording them the chance to meaningfully engage in long term planning as opposed to ad hoc pieces of work."