Fergal Smyth and Helen McEntee

Meath people urged to support Cystic Fibrosis Ireland ahead of 65 Roses Day

The people of Meath are being urged to support Cystic Fibrosis Ireland’s annual fundraising day, “65 Roses Day”, taking place Friday, 8th April. The annual fundraising flag day – which derives its name from the way in which young children often first say the words "cystic fibrosis" – seeks to raise much-needed funds for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) services and sees the fundraising day of action return in full for the first time since 2019.

Volunteers will be out in force selling purple rose pins in towns and villages in Meath and the length and breadth of the country, as well as in participating Dunnes Stores, shopping centres and other outlets nationwide.

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited chronic disease that primarily affects the lungs and the digestive system. Ireland has the highest incidence of CF in the world and some of the most severe types. There are more than 1,400 people living with CF in Ireland and the number is increasing each year as a result of improvements in treatment and care.

Speaking today ahead of 65 Roses Day, Philip Watt, Chief Executive of Cystic Fibrosis Ireland, said: “Cystic Fibrosis Ireland depends almost entirely on the public for the provision of its services and this 65 Roses Day is hoping to raise more than €350,000 for much-needed services for people with CF.

Pictured lending their support to Cystic Fibrosis Ireland’s 65 Roses Day on Friday 8th, April are Olympians Natalya Coyle and Arthur Lanigan O’Keeffe. Photo by Oliver Dixon

“Funds raised on 65 Roses Day will go to provide exercise equipment, counselling sessions, and grants for people undergoing a transplant, fertility assessment or who have recently been bereaved. Funds also go to support cystic fibrosis research and the building of new CF hospital facilities and the funding of specialist CF staff.

“We’re calling on the people of Meath to show support for Cystic Fibrosis Ireland this year and to don purple to help raise much needed funds for people in MEATH living with CF.”

Pictured lending their support to Cystic Fibrosis Ireland’s 65 Roses Day on Friday 8th, April are Olympians Natalya Coyle and Arthur Lanigan O’Keeffe. The husband-and-wife team are urging everyone that can to take on a 65 Roses Challenge. Full details on the 65 Roses Challenge, or to donate online, can be found at www.65Roses.ie. Photo by Oliver Dixon

Supporting the campaign this year and encouraging the public to get involved to was local TD, Helen McEntee.

Also supporting 65 Roses Day this year are Irish OIympians Natalya Coyle and Arthur Lanigan O’Keeffe, who are urging Meath people to go for purple and undertake a 65 Roses Challenge.

The husband-and-wife team are asking people to take up any 65-themed challenge – from walking 65,000 steps, to running 6.5K, or cycling 65K, the sky is the limit. Full details on the 65 Roses Challenge, or to donate, can be found at www.65Roses.ie

Meath citizenry wishing to volunteer to help sell purple roses on 65 Roses Day in your workplace or local shopping centre, please contact Brendán on 01 4962433 or email fundraising@cfireland.ie