Health supports podcast launched by HSE

A NEW health and well being podcast for Meath will see its first episode tackle the effects of second hand smoking.

Meath Talks first podcast “Not Around Us” discusses the topic of quitting smoking in 2022.

Meath Talks is a collection of health & wellbeing podcasts developed and produced by the HSE Health Promotion & Improvement Team, Midlands Louth Meath Community Healthcare Organisation and supported by Meath Partnership.

The podcasts have been created as a wellbeing resource, cover a wide range of health related topics and feature the agencies which provide this support and guidance across County Meath.

Health Promotion and Improvement Manager, Emer Smyth said: “It is important that people living in our communities are aware of the large array of supports that exist to help them to stay well and to work their way through difficulties that happen as is normal in life. The conversations, like the work in health promotion, are broad in range and topic and give a flavour of the work our team are involved in every day.”

Meath Partnership CEO, Michael Ludlow, said that the Company is delighted to have an opportunity to work in partnership with the HSE in communicating with those in need of healthcare services.

Developer and host of Meath Talks, Anthony O’Prey, HSE Health Promotion Officer, said: “These podcasts give everyone an opportunity to listen to the voice of support that is available to them within their community. I would encourage everyone to listen to these conversations and share them among your loved ones; they are an invaluable resource especially during these challenging times.”

Meath Talks can be accessed by visiting the Meath Partnership website or by searching on the Spotify app.