The late Cllr Joe Reilly was one of the founders of Springboard.

Take a Ramparts ‘Stroll for Joe’ and Springboard

A COMMEMORATIVE walk for the late Cllr Joe Reilly will take place on Sunday 17th October at 11am from the Ramparts in Navan to Stackallen Bridge, Slane.

‘A Stroll for Joe’ is an opportunity for participants to raise money for Meath Springboard Family Support Services and to also take some time out to remember Joe and his contribution to Navan.

Cllr Joe Reilly was one of the founders of Meath Springboard, which delivers support to children and their parents. Monies raised will fund affordable counselling and therapy for parents. The first ‘Stroll for Joe’ was held last year and raised enough money for an all weather garden covering in the family gardens of Meath Springboard.

Sé Fulham, Springboard manager, explains that the organisation works with between 100 and 120 families offering one-to-one coaching for parents and parent support groups for stay at home, mums, dads and young parents.

“We work with Tusla and also offer contact support rooms where a parent who isn’t living with their children can meet them, cook a meal for them and have a normal time with them. We provide this for both children in foster care and those whose parents live apart.”

Sé explains that the two family contact rooms have small gardens but they had been unusable when it rained and last year's walk raised funds to put in all-weather surfaces.

“Joe had been due to officially open our premises just three days before he died. He worked quietly in the background for us and got the site from the council for us,” he said.

The walk is open to all and sponsorship is not a requirement to join in on the day. Participants are also welcome to complete a different walk of their choice should they wish.

Anyone who wishes to collect sponsorship cards for their walk can call into Meath Springboard directly (please call first on 0469078220). Alternatively, there is an iDonate page where sponsorship money can be lodged and donations made.