‘Ready, Steady, Go!’ Navan IWA members taking part in their ‘Run and Roll’ fundraiser at Claremont Stadium.

IWA ‘Run and Roll’ event brings everyone together after 18 months

Irish Wheelchair Association Meath hosted a run/roll event at Claremont Stadium reuniting service users and staff after months apart.

It was a very special occasion because this was the first time that all the IWA Meath members had been together in one group since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

The event was planned as a fundraiser and where it was very successful, the real outcome of this event was the laughter, the fun and the connecting again of all the wonderful people who access the IWA services in Meath.

“While IWA in Meath maintained a full support service during the pandemic it was a very different service containing outreach supports, virtual supports and delivering a service in pods. While it was very effective and helped to develop services the human contact piece was evidently missing, and it was wonderful to be able to meet again as an entire group,” said Sean Whelan, Service Coordinator with IWA.

“It was a fantastic occasion and all the IWA members and staff were put through their paces by completing many different distances on the fabulous running track at Claremont Stadium, various distances were achieved form 2km up to 11km.”

Joining in with the initiative was Leas Cathaoirleach Francis Dean and Local TD and Minister Damien English and his team, but the highlight of the day was the appearance ,and participation in the event of the Meath Minor winning manager Cathal O Bric and 2 of the stars from the Meath Minor team Jack McConnell and Louis Collins. “It was a real pleasure to have the Meath stars drop by as many of the IWA members in Meath are avid Meath supporters, so it was a real treat to see them in the flesh.”

“We also used this occasion to Launch IWA’s new Accessible Bus which was majority funded by Meath Co Council through the Community Amenity Grant Scheme for 2020, the balance of the funding required was raised by the IWA members through various fundraisers.

IWA service user June Elliott with Meath Minors Jack McConnell and Louis Collins

“We want to thank Meath Co Council Community department for their support with our application, we received great guidance and support particularly from Joan Carroll for which we are extremely grateful for. This new vehicle will really enhance the service and provide great comfort on journeys for our members in the future.

“Finally, as service coordinator I we would just like to acknowledge the efforts of all the IWA staff over the past 18 months, everyone has really put their shoulder to the wheel and helped maintain, devise and develop services in Meath, it’s a real privilege to work alongside you all within this wonderful organisation.”