Safety review of the hazardous Trim Road junction approved

A SAFETY review of the junction of the Trim Road with the Borrallion in Navan will be carried out as part of planning for the local distributor road which will link the Trim and Dublin roads.

The dangerous condition of the junction, which has been the scene of numerous serious accidents, was highlighted by Cllr Eddie Fennessy at a meeting of Navan Municipal Council last week.

He called for a continuation of the public lighting network from the O'Mahonys second pitch to the Borallion crossroad as well as the installation of a filter road on the Navan side of the Borallion crossroad.

He said the work was needed to ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians using the Trim Road from the Borallion crossroad to the O'Mahonys second pitch. He was told DBFL consultants have been appointed to progress the LDR1b road - which will link the Trim and Dublin roads and the motorway access road.

As part of this work they are required to carry out a safety and capacity review of the existing four-arm Balreask junction between the R161 Trim Road and the Borrallion.

The review may result in the generation of a number of possible options for the junction. The consultant will prepare an options report to include an indicative design and cost estimate for any recommended options for dealing with capacity/safety deficiencies identified as part of their review. Cllr Fennessy welcomed the response.

"Requests for a redesign of this junction have been made repeatedly during my tenure as a councillor and have been raised by numerous councillors over the years.

"Local residents in particular will be pleased to hear there are plans in place to address their concerns.

"There have been a number of very serious accidents at the junction down the years. Works to improve the safety of road users in the area will be very well received. I thank council for their cooperation," he said.