Senator Sharon Keogan with her dog and plans for dog play park in Duleek

Duleek taking the lead with new doggie playground plan

Duleek could soon have its very own doggie playground as efforts are in train to secure one for the village.

A proposal to develop a park with play and exercise equipment for dogs has been made by Senator Sharon Keogan.

She has identified council land, just off Station Road, on the left hand side of Fr Ryan Park entrance that could be used and she has applied for a grant for the equipment.

“I believe this facility will enhance this area and give dog lovers a play space for their animals.

“The equipment will be ideal for playing, it will also be an area where people can have their dogs off lead and there will be bins so owners can clean up after their dogs.

“There are a lot of places where people cannot have their dogs off the lead and people really care about their animals and are looking for places to bring them for exercise.”

The equipment which would include agility equipment, little jumps and other attractions for dogs.

It provides physical exercise and play as well as mental stimulation for dogs.

“It would also be a place where a dog can be let off the leash and run free to fetch a stick or ball”

Senator Keogan explains that she had to provide a quote to apply for a grant and she has received prices from suppliers in the US.

“Of course, we would rather use Irish made products, so if anyone can manufactore this equipment to European safety standards, get in touch,” she says.

A new fence will be going up at the side of the proposed park along the river in a few weeks time.

“I would like people to let me know what they think of the proposals. We could have this up and running by the end of the year if we receive the funding,”she says.

Senator Keogan said everything would be done to the highest standards and bins and pooper scoopers would be provided.

The dog park would be an addition to the new outdoor facilities provided in Duleek in recent years.

There are currently two children's playgrounds in the village and a new three and half acre parkland facility is also proposed for Duleek.

“There are a lot of good things happening in Duleek at the moment and the dog park woud add to the recreation spaces in the town,” she says.