Moore pride as he takes on role of Cathaoirleach in Trim Municipal District


Cllr Ronan Moore expressed pride on Friday in taking up the role of Cathaoirleach in Trim Municipal District following the second AGM of Trim Municipal District.

Cllr Moore said: "The Social Democrats representative made history by winning the party's first seat onto Meath County Council last year and said it was with "great pride" that more history was being created by being elected the party's first Cathaoirleach at municipal level in the county.

"I am acutely aware of the deeply symbolic role of Cathaoirleach and it is for this reason that during my tenure as Cathaoirleach I want to use the role to reach out to and listen to as many community groups as possible across the district. Indeed, just last week I launched a “One Big Idea” initiative where I have asked local residents both young and old for ideas on how to make Meath a better place to live in.”

“Over the last few months, we’ve seen levels of leadership at community level as people across the country went out of their way to work together and look after each other. I think it is incumbent of us in elected office to offer the same levels of leadership as has been shown, and as Cathaoirleach I will endeavour to emulate these community leaders. I also want to look for opportunities to work with my fellow councillors to make sure we harness the collective strength of our communities knowing we are at our best when we work together.”