'Big Maggie' opens in Carnaross on Friday

The metaphorical red carpet is out in Carnaross, to welcome Big Maggie to the stage. Carrnaross Drama Group has never shirked from a challenge and this year is no different. 
The newly bereaved formidable, malignant, matriarch that is Big Maggie, cracks the whip on her four children in an effort to take control of her life and one by one drives them away. Is Big Maggie malevolent or is she misguided by past experiences? Is there a deeper side to her that belies her tough exterior? Carnaross Drama Group explores......it has cast (pardon the pun) a fresh eye on this oft over played play and has worked hard over the winter to successfully stage a crisp, compelling and captivating production of this John B Keane classic.
The cast is Peter Farrelly, Paul Corcoran, Bernadette O’Brien, Frances Ward, Annemarie, Sean Lynch, Patrick Farrelly, Gillian Brogan, Adrian Tuite, Naoise Reilly, Joanne Muldoon and Sean Gilsenan.
John B Keane’s work is not new to Carnaross Drama Group; in the fourteen years since the group’s inception, this is its third time to stage a Keane play.
The set design is as usual flawless and reflects the skill and creativity of the talented, tireless production team, who together with the very adept and amenable committee and cast, have put together a professional and entertaining interpretation of this witty, sad, poignant reflection of society and life in rural Ireland in 1969.  
The show opens in the community centre Carnaross on Friday 14th February and runs over two weekends -  14th, 15th, 16th February and 21st, 22nd and 23rd February.   
Tickets are €15 each and are available at the booking office number (087) 6325128.