
Off to the beach? Remember, thieves go there too!

Don't forget security in the sunshine, is the message by the Meath Crime Prevention Officer as thousands head for the beach or back gardens to bask in the soaring temperatures.
Sun-worshippers heading out and about sometimes forget about personal and home security and can easily become victim to crime, says Sgt Dean Kerins.
"People often just forget that thieves go to the beach too. Don't just leave your valuables under a towel and head into the water. Be mindful of what you bring with you when heading to the beach or a scenic spot for the day.
"Leave jewellery and other unnecessary items, that you might take off for a swim, at home and maybe make sure there's at least one person staying with the wallets and purses when you do go for a dip.
"Similarly at a scenic spot, don't leave valuables in plain sight in your car. There are always thieves patrolling these places and waiting for a chance to strike." Sgt Kerins also advised caution when outside in the back garden during the summer months. "Remember the simple things like locking the front door if you are out the back, closing windows if you are leaving the house for a while and even, just shutting your front gate is a good line of defence," he said.