Cllrs Michael Gallagher, Eugene Cassidy and Bryan Reilly with Ken Murray of Kells Local Heroes.

Greening of Kells launched

A bio-diversity plan for Kells has been launched by Meath County Council.
The 52 page initiative was published on Thursday night by Loreto Guinan of Meath County Council and consultant ecologist Deborah Darcy at a special conference held in the Church of Ireland Kells.
According to Mark Smith of Kells Local Heroes, “this is a superb document which, when implemented, will transform the greenery and rich eco system around Kells.
“Insect and plant life will multiply in the coming years which will be great for pollination and local flora development.”
The Plan, which is part of ‘The Greening of Kells’ initiative, will also see the development of a pollination project on the Maudlin Road, a road verge wildlife habitat on the N52 ring road and the construction of bird and bat boxes on the commons at Lloyd on the Drumbaragh side of the Town.
Other aspects of the Plan will include ‘Citizen science’ at the Kells Allotment Park for the recording of the bee and butterfly population.
Kells will also be designated as a ‘peat-free’ Town as part of an alliance between Girley Bog Meitheal, Kells Local Heroes and the Tidy Towns groups in the area with the aim of preserving peat growth.
A dedicated programme on raising awareness about bio-diversity will also be implemented in local schools.
“We are dedicated to improving the greenery and developing local habitats as part of this plan,” said Mark Smith.
It is proposed to establish a local (community) implementation group in Kells facilitated by Meath County Council.
Each year, a work programme will be agreed along with project partners and funding sought.
The progress of projects will be reviewed annually.