Cute new attractions at park

As well as marking the introduction of its new rollercoaster, Tayto Park is also celebrating the arrival of a brand new litter of eight Corsac foxes.
These beautiful creatures are native to the deserts of Central Asia in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Mongolia and north-eastern China.
Corsac foxes generally give birth to a litter of between two and six kits. The little character of the group that has been photographed has been named ‘Lovkiy’ by the park rangers at Tayto Park, which translates as ‘astute’ and ‘agile’ in Russian, one of the main languages spoken across Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
Unlike other fox species, Corsac foxes live together in groups and the male assists in the raising of the young. Normally, while rearing kits, the female will move them to several burrows.