There is less of ann casey around as she continues the motivation programme

I’m on a roll - down another 3lbs this week and feeling so much better. Thats 9lbs in two weeks on my newly started post Christmas regime and it is not too difficult at all.
I’ve even started fitting on clothes I haven’t worn in a while and am rather pleased at the results, not to mention the fact that I feel so much healthier.
The great thing about the motivation programme is that it isn’t all about the food we eat - it also about the reasons we eat.
Dr Maurice Larocque, the founder of the Motivation programme, makes us look at both the physiological and psychological reasons we eat too much.
Long fasting between meals can cause hypoglaecemia, which leads to cravings and eating all the wrong foods when we get weak and shaky from hunger.
He recommends we eat more often, with small potions of protein at every meal and two proteins supplemnts each day.
The motivation protein bars and crisp-like snacks, are great to keep hunger at bay and I feel like I am having a real treat, so I don’t feel deprived.
The psychological reasons for over-eating are also tackled. Dr Lacoques CD and book really prompt me to look at why I eat - such as when I’m bored, worried or unhappy.
They help me deal with those feelings and emotions more positvely and I particularly love listening to the mind programming segment on his CD.
I’m feeling calmer as a result and I still find myself repeating his words about being calm and responsible for my own actions in times of stress.
The most amazing thing about it all is that apart from planning whats for dinner, making lunch and bringing my snacks with me to work, I hardly think about food at all.
I just eat when I need to and if I’m bored or upset, I don’t immediately start thinking what can I eat to cheer myself up!
It wasn’t a difficult week - I had no major hurdles or temptations, but I didn’t exercise as much as I should.
Now I’m losing weight exercise should be easier -there is less of me to drag around, so I’m determined to start, even if its just a few walks each week or even taking the stairs rather than the lift.
My counsellor Siobhan is a great help and motivator, so I’m bouyed up about my weight loss and determined to start exercising too.
One of my other great failings is not drinking enough water - I just forget, so that is another task for the next week.
I’ll keep you posted on the progress.