Part of the new emergency department at Our Lady's Hospital.

First look inside hospitals new emergency dept

The new emergency department (ED) at Our Lady’s Hospital in Navan, which opens this Wednesday with modern and updated facilities - including an infection control room, psychiatric consultation room and a family room - will operate on a 24-hour/seven-day basis, according to the HSE.
The HSE said there were no immediate plans to reduce the facility at Our Lady’s to a minor injuries unit (MIU).
A HSE spokesperson said: “Our new ED which will open this week will open as a 24-hour service, as is currently the case. We are not aware that there is any immediate plan to change this and we are working as always to provide a safe and efficient 24/7 ED service to the public.”
The new ED is a replacement building for the old A&E unit so capacity remains the same, but facilities are more modern.
According to the HSE, there will be no change in the types of cases being brought to Navan by ambulance or who are being referred to Navan by their doctors.