Ann casey continues her motivation weight loss diary this week

Week three

I have to be very honest here - this week as I made my way to my Motivation consultation, I was feeling a bit nervous and guilty.
After my first full week, I was thrilled with a seven pounds weight loss without any real feelings of hunger, butI felt it was going to be a very different story this time.
As I said last week, my son graduated the day after last week’s weight in, so it was a full-on family celebration and then at the weekend I visited my aunt - a wonderful cook, whose delicious meals are not exactly the most low carb, low calorie affairs.
I had warned my therapist, Siobhan, about these two events and she had advised me to just cut down and be more careful - and I followed this advice, but I was still quite worried.
As I stepped on the scales, I imagined the worst, but was delighted to discover I had lost another two pounds - so now I’ve nine pounds less to lug around with me each day.
I feel better for it too. My dodgy knee is a lot less painful and climbing the two flights of stairs in the office is a lot easier!
Apart from the two events where sticking to the diet was difficult, I adhered to Motivation’s diet plan with just two portions of carbs a day, three pieces of fruit, plenty of salad and vegetables and protein with each meal, including their two protein bars.
I chose the peaut bars again this week, as I found them very tasty but I also took a delightful bar called chocolate decadence, which really tasted indulgently good and was incredibly filling - and all for just 150 calories.
The protein bars are aimed at helping you feel full and satisfied between meals and they really do a great job of keeping me away from other diet busting treats during the mid afternoon slump or if  I want a snack in the evening.
What I really attribute this week’s eight loss to is Dr Maurice Larocque’s thought provoking book and CD which I read and listen to regularly.
It is certainly making me look at food and my eating habits in a different way.
His mind programming technique certainly helped me when temptation struck - I enjoyed our family celebration when my son graduated and chose the healthier options almost without thinking and didn’t eat as much as I normally would.
At my aunts, I took smaller portions and chose the least calorific options as much as possible.
I’m feeling lighter, fitter, but I’m also feeling calmer thanks to Dr Larocque’s relaxing CD I still find myself repeating his words about being calm and responsible for my own actions in times of stress.
I hardly think about food at all - I just eat when I need to and I don’t have cravings for all things naughty when I’m sitting watching TV at night.
So now I continue with my weight loss journey with Motivation. I have been a bit lax about drinking water and not as diligent as I should be about exercising, so my challenge for next week is to drink more water, do a little more exercise and keep to the diet plan. I’ll let you know what happens next week.