What's going on here?

Even a car needs a drink!

Lady drivers in Meath will probably agree that they would never let something like this happen, especially on the day of a big game in Dublin?

The identity of the driver of the thirsty vehicle that apparently ran out of petrol in Navan is not quite clear as the three young men involved turned away from the camera.

It is understood that the young man on the right in the photo (see other photo) was the driver of the vehicle that just stopped because the fuel ran out - or maybe it was thirtsy because of the heat and just wanted a drink?

There were no quotes from any of the three, although two of them were adamant that they were helping a stranded motorist and had to use a plastic water container to bring the fuel to the vehicle.

They emptied the water out of the container first.

To make it even more complicated, the rescuers had to improvise with a couple of sheets of paper used as a funnel for pouring the fuel into the tank.

Most of it spilled down the side of the vehicle although enough made it into the tank to get the car started.

A number of lady motorists were seen laughing as they drove by safe in the knowledge that a woman driver would never run out of petrol!!!!


Conall Collier