Olivia's positive attitude

Olivia Duff from the Headfort Arms Hotel delivered an upbeat and positive address when she welcomed up to 300 guests to the third annual Meath Style Awards at the popular Kells venue on Friday night.

Ms Duff contragulated all the nominees in each of the eight categories and also praised the efforts of all the ladies who were present on a glittering night for fashion and awards.

She welcomed the members of the Meath Chronicle and said that she was delighted with the way the event has progressed since inception three years ago.

'We are proud to host and sponsor the third Meath Style Awards' she commented.

There was also a big welcome for newly-elected politician Helen McEntee who was the guest speaker at the hugely popular and successful event.

See video of Olivia's speech. See also next edition of the Meath Chronicle for all the photographs of the great night. 
