Faces of Meath cut outs in Dunshaughlin

Meath Social Inclusion Week launched

Meath's Social Inclusion Week activities were launched in Navan Library on Monday. As part of the launch a new website www.manyfacesofmeath.com has been created to raise awareness about the week and the website will have a brochure on the events for the week. This new website highlights the facts about social inclusion in Co Meath, providing an opportunity to participative interactively on the issues and discussions about social inclusion in our county. It provides contacts and information on groups working on social inclusion issues in Co Meath. The week of events runs to Friday 26th October will address issues of inequalities promoting awareness of social exclusion. It will present how actively pursuing social inclusion can make a difference to the lives of a range of groups in Co Meath including people with disabilities, migrants, young people, older people, and Travellers. Information on events for the week can be found on www.manyfacesofmeath.com The week is being organised by a working group from the Social Inclusion Measures Group of Meath County Council and is made up of community, voluntary and statutory organisations.