The Cast of 'Moll' in Carnaross (from left, back): Pat Farrelly, Paul O'Neill, Gillian Brogan, Emer Smith, Heather Hamill, David Scanlon, Sean Lynch and Stephen O'Brien; (front): Rose O'Neill, Carmel O'Reilly, Adrian Tuite and Christopher Gibney.

John B Keane's 'Moll' has them rolling in the aisles in Carnaross

Carnaross Drama Group's production of John B Keane's 'Moll' opened last weekend to appreciative audiences. Now in its seventh year, the group has built itself a strong reputation for fine stage productions from farcical comedies such as last year's 'Don't Dress for Dinner' to more serious dramas such as 'One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest'. This year's production of 'Moll' does not fail to disappoint, either. The comedy is a hilarious look at life in a rural Irish parochial house, giving an insight into who is truly running local affairs in a fictional parish. The play opens in Canon Pratt's (Sean Lynch) parochial house. He and his two curates, Fr Brest (David Scanlon) and Fr Loran (Stephen O'Brien), are faced with the problem of replacing their housekeeper. The successful candidate, 'Moll Kettle' (Carmel Reilly), immediately sweet-talks and butters up the canon and so secures the job. Carmel Reilly does a wonderful job as Moll, who immediately sets about making her mark on the running of the house and, indeed, the parish in a hilarious fashion, much to the anger of Fr Brest, but with the support of the Bishop (Christy Gibney), Moll proves to be an unstoppable force. The play features strong performances by the trio of priests and Carmel Reilly's portrayal of the cunning Moll is wonderful. The support cast of Heather Hamill (Bridige), Adrian Tuite (Ulick) and Christy Gibney (the bishop) also impressed and delivered several comic moments. 'Mol' continues this Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Carnaross Community Hall and in The Garage, Monaghan, on 2nd and 3rd March. The play starts at 8pm. Tickets are €12 and the booking office can be contacted on (087) 055 4158. Group discounts are available.