Trocaire says thanks for support

Dear sir - I am writing to thank the people of Meath for their support throughout 2011. The last twelve months have not been easy for Ireland, but the people of Meath have not let their own difficulties get in the way of their commitment towards helping some of the poorest people on earth. Never was this support as evident as during the recent emergency appeal for east Africa. Irish people donated an incredible €10 million to Trócaire, with €5.6m coming directly from collections at parishes across the country. This money has allowed us to work with almost 450,000 people in the region, delivering food, water and medical assistance to those most in need. In short, it has allowed us to save lives. From our Lenten appeal, through to our Christmas Global Gift campaign, people in Meath stand side-by-side with the people we work with in the developing world; people who often have no other means of survival other than the generosity of others. Trócaire is entrusted each year with the responsibility of administering donations from Ireland towards making a lasting difference in desperately poor countries. We are honoured to be given this responsibility, and humbled that even in difficult economic times people in Ireland recognise the importance of this work. A recent international survey found that Irish people are the most charitable in Europe and the second most charitable worldwide. In an era with so much negativity, our commitment towards the world's poor is something we should feel proud of. We thank your readers, and wish them all a very happy 2012. Yours, Justin Kilcullen, Director, Trócaire.