Intrinsic goodness within the church should be recognised

Dear sir - Everybody abhors abuse whether it is perpetrated in a political, financial or religious institution. A small number of priests and religious have betrayed the trust placed in them and have been found guilty of abuse. So balanced, fair and justified criticism of such people is justified and acceptable. However, there is a difference between necessary and valid criticism of the church, and unrestrained church bashing. Some of this has been bordering on the hysterical and pandering to the public exasperation at some of the recent failings within the church. Over the past number of years, Catholics have recognised and abhorred the abuse that was perpetrated by a small number of priests and religious. But it is very unfair to paint everyone with the same brush. The Church is our church made up of lay, religious and clergy alike. It is now time for catholics to take a support their church and to recognise the intrinsic goodness that exists within the Catholic Church. It is equally important to recognise, affirm and applaud the very many outstanding good priests in every parish in Ireland who are so hardworking, committed and dedicated, using their time, talents and energy for the good of the local community spiritually, educationally, and in every other important area of people's lives. Those great men serve their communities twenty four-seven, every day of the year, nurturing the faith, celebrating the Eucharist, baptising the children, administering the sacraments and comforting the sick and the marginalised. The majority of priests across the country have established, organised and provided many social services such as meals on wheels and essential organisations that provide irreplaceable support to the whole of society. The Catholic Church in Ireland has experienced periods of darkness and suffering in the past. During such periods of darkness the solution has always been the same. Trust in God. Pray, fast repent, and believe in the Gospel. Living the Gospel to the full, encountering Christ in a personal way is the solution to the woes of this country. Let all of us pray and thank God daily for all the great priests and religious in our country. Yours, John Howard, Navan.