Cllr Brian Curran.

Dumping at derelict sites in Kells poses huge threat to tourism

The dumping of huge piles of rubbish at two derelict properties close to St Colmcille's house in Kells is a major threat to the town's tourism potential, according to Cllr Brian Curran. These derelict sites are just across from the church spire and beside St Colmcille's house. "The amount of rubbish dumped here is unbelievable and I've counted 50 to 60 bags of rubbish there at times," he said. Cllr Curran said the rubbish is visible to anyone on the street. "The town council spent a lot of money on new lighting, paving and restoring one of the old town fountains to make this an attractive street, but this eyesore is ruining the area," he said. "I am very embarrassed by the state of it and if something isn't done about the problem, it will do untold harm to the town," he warned. Cllr Curran said it was terrible for residents of the street to have such a dumping ground close by, as well as being a dreadful eyesore for visitors to the historic centre of monastic Kells. He called on the council to try and remove the rubbish and said that owners also had a responsibility to ensure their property is secure. He said that, as secretary of the kells Tidy Towns Committee, he was very upset by the condition of the area. "We will be announcing our own initiative shortly and we really don't need this mess in the middle of the town. It is dreadful as it could seriously damage our tourism potential," he added.