Council should justify Jedward 'charade’

Dear sir, I refer to Navan Town Council's extensive and no doubt expensive campaign to secure the might of Jedward to officially turn on the Christmas lights and also launch the town council's 'Think Local, Shop Local, Stay Local' campaign. I am not privy to know what budgetary amount was set aside to secure the hour long presence of this duo to grace our capital town for one hour in the name of drumming up support for local business, suffice as to say between the large advertising campaign coupled with the appearance fee would more than likely amounted to a substantial five figure sum. In a period when cutbacks are being imposed everywhere particularly by cash strapped councils countrywide, surely if the main train of thought were to have a representative from the entertainment industry to help bring about awareness to shop local, why were it not possible to organise a local X Factor talent contest with all the various presentations taking place in pubs around the town over the past couple of months or so, with the final taking place in Kennedy Road last Saturday with what should be at that point real and authentic talent, and most importantly with the theme of the exercise 'local' and keep the budgetary allowance within the community in the form of prize money. What we got was the sight of two insufferable talentless 'performers' strutting their ways for one hour and relieving the town of much needed revenue that could, and should have been put to better use. What a kick in the teeth for local promotion by the very people entrusted to bring about the opposite. I would ask Navan Town Council to issue a statement justifying this 'bizarre charade' and in doing so let the public know who was responsible for bringing it about. Yours, Gerry Gorman, Navan.