Damaging effects of head shops

Dear sir - I did not understand what a head shop was or the terrible effect it could have until I spoke to a conscientious garda sergeant in Dublin recently. He told me about the damaging effects that a head shop was having in his area. As I talked with him I met parents who were 'up the wall' trying to protect their children from the 'legal' head shop business. It was clear that the people and the gardai feel powerless to fight this challenge. While we are giving out about the light touch regulation that has left our economy in a mess, I am reminded that I must take responsibility for the regulation of my children's protection while they are still in my care. I am very fearful that the light touch regulation that allows people to set up head shops will contribute to anti-social behaviour, petty crime, loutishness, and violence towards people in the community; especially the more vulnerable. I am equally fearful that the over stretched services that care for young people, (such as the gardai, the welfare officers, youth workers, etc.), when not be able to respond. I know that this summer would be difficult for teenagers because there will not be summer jobs and cash will be scarce. Therefore, they are vulnerable to seek an escape through mind altering substances. The parents in Dublin said: "Act before a head shop is opened in your area". I did not do that! We parents have to do more to mind our children, prevent their exploitation and work with the service agencies. The gardai and the care providers need us to work actively with them. If I do not, then, I am responsible for not regulating others around my children and the consequences could be frightening. It only takes in-action by good people to allow bad things to happen. I know that there are powerful forces behind these shops. For that reason I feel vulnerable. But I want to share my concern and have asked the editor to withhold my name and address. (Name and address with editor.)