Launching the Leprechaun Record attempt at the Kelltic Bar in Kells

Kells going for leprechaun ceili world record

The official Guinness Book of Records has accepted a challenge submitted by the Headfort Arms Hotel in Kells to beat a world record for the 'Largest Leprechaun Ceili in the World'. Not only is the Headfort Arms trying to get a Guinness World Record but they are hoping to raise an enormous 'pot of gold' for the St Vincent De Paul Society in the process. The event will take place on St Patrick's Day as part of the Kells St Patrick's Day Festival, as part of a traditional ceili with a twist. Those wishing to take part must present themselves at the The Kelltic Bar, Kells, between 12 noon and 3pm on St Patrick's Day, dressed as a leprechaun, for official registration which will be inspected by a Guinness Book of Records official representative. At registration, participants will receive their official number to take part and a complimentary invite to the 'Official After-Ceili Shenanigans' in The Kelltic Bar (where those over 18 will also receive a complimentary pint of Guinness). Registration fee is a discretionary donation to the St Vincent de Paul 'pot of gold' on the day. All leprechauns will be asked to assemble as part of the parade from 3pm and the official count will take place in front of the bandstand at Farrell Street, Kells, when the ceili will officially get into full swing! Leprechaun helpers will be on duty all day throughout the parade with goodies. The ceili party will continue in The Kelltic Bar with the craic flowing with traditional ceili band, complimentary finger food and drinks for all leprechauns taking part. For more information, costume criteria and Guinness World Records guidelines, see Facebook under 'Kells Leprechaun Ceili'; or log onto or or contact (046) 924 0063.