Shane McEntee TD.

Nobber, Duleek roads 'disintegrate' after freeze

A claim that two particular roads in Meath - in Duleek and Nobber - are in a dangerous condition after the recent severe weather has been made by Meath East Fine Gael TD Shane McEntee. He called on the Minister for the Environment John Gormley to ensure that the roads are repaired as a matter of urgency. "Planning permission was granted for an incinerator in Duleek, which is currently under construction. Following two years of upgrading works in the village, the recent severe weather conditions and the constant heavy goods traffic the roads in the village are now in a dangerous condition. I am calling for a reinstatement of the ban on all HGV traffic through the village until such time as the bypass is built. Alternatives are available and should be enforced," he said. Nobber village in the north of the county was another example of where the roads had "completely disintegrated", he added. "I have spoken with Cllr Eugene Cassidy who will be demanding that immediate remedial action be taken by Meath County Council. Following the recent bad weather, the main street in the village is almost impassable. It will have to be completely dug up and relaid," he said. Deputy McEntee said that planning permission was also being sought for an incinerator in Nobber. "Part of the local objection to this incinerator was that the roads in the Nobber area are incapable of absorbing the 70,000 extra tons of material that would be on the local roads. This can clearly be seen now - the main street of Nobber is no better than a dirt track at the moment. While I am aware that other roads in the county need attention, the roads in areas where there is heavy industry have been hit particularly badly. This is further proof that rural areas are not suitable for heavy industry," claimed Deputy McEntee. "I am calling on the Minister for the Environment to provide funding to have roads in these two areas repaired as a matter of urgency. My office is inundated with calls from residents complaining about the size of the potholes, about damage done to their tyres and cars. It is not fair that local people are having to pay the price." He wants the Minister for Transport, Noel Dempsey, to extend the brief of the Emergency Response Committee to cover repairs to roads in the worst-hit areas. He said that Minister Dempsey had been called before today (Wednesday's) meeting of the Joint Oireachtas Transport Committee at his (Deputy McEntee's) request to answer questions about the state of the country's roads following the icy weather.