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Innovative director Spike Jonze collaborates with celebrated author Maurice Sendak to bring one of the most beloved books of all time to the big screen. The film tells the story of Max (Max Records), a sensitive boy who feels misunderstood at home and escapes to a place where the Wild Things are - an island where he meets mysterious and strange creatures whose emotions are as wild and unpredictable as their actions. The Wild Things desperately long for a leader to guide them, just as Max longs for a kingdom to rule. When Max is crowned king, he promises to create a place where everyone will be happy. Very soon, however, he discovers that ruling his kingdom is not so easy. The film co-stars Catherine Keener, James Gandolfini and Forest Whitaker. 'Where the Wild Things Are' offers a very different look back to the many facets of childhood. Director Jonze describes the film as an action movie starring a nine-year-old. Resplendent in his wolf costume, Max soon becomes King of the Wild Things by proving his superior ferocity over the giant creatures who live there. But it's an uneasy reign because the Wild Things are just that - wild - and there is always the possibility they might decide to eat him after all, with their great sharp teeth. Published in 1963, the book went on to touch millions of readers worldwide, perpetually ranked as one of the 10 all-time bestselling books for children since the 1970s. As an antidote to the budget, 'Where The Wild Things Are' is a fantasy adventure sure to delight kids and parents alike.