Cllr: Antisocial behaviour at new high in Navan

People are being terrorised in their homes in Navan and some have left their houses because of such problems in their estates, according to Cllr Anton McCabe. He said that since his election in June, 80 per cent of the people who have come to him with problems have been people suffering from antisocial behaviour-related problems in local estates. "People have had windows broken, been threatened, had sheds burgled, gardens damaged and private property invaded," he said. "It appears to have spiralled to a new level of late, with some residents afraid inside and outside their homes." He went on: "Plans are afoot to set up a Joint Policing Committee in Navan, made up of elected representatives, community activists and the Gardai. This process needs to be fast-tracked as it may help to resolve the ongoing problems which are attributed to a small number of youths who are out of control," he said. Cllr Mc Cabe believes that the Gardai are doing their best to control the problem, but they need the support of the community, the elected representatives and, more importantly, the parents of the youths carrying out trouble. He said there are problems in estates all around the town and he has had people contact him from Beechmount, Townspark, St Brigid's Villas and Clogherboy, among others. "Halloween is coming and that will be even more frightening for elderly residents," said Cllr McCabe, who added that many of the residents who have been affected are afraid to speak out or to even be seen talking to public representatives in case there is a backlash against them from the people involved. He said re-engaging the juvenile courts as a deterrent should be considered to deal with the situtation before it gets out of control.